<aside> 💡 API Status ✓




This API allows users to submit text and receive a prediction on whether the text is "Real" or "Fake". "Real" means it was most likely written by a human. "Fake" means it was most likely written by AI.

The API currently only supports the language English.


The input text is first split into contiguous chunks of up to 512 tokens.

In natural language processing, a token is a unit of text that is considered as the smallest individual unit for the purposes of processing. Tokenization is the process of breaking down a string of text into these tokens.

For example, consider the input string "I'm going to school today." Here is how it would be tokenized:

["I", "'m", "going", "to", "school", "today", "."]

Rate Limiting

Each API key is allowed to make up to 100 requests per minute. Subsequent requests will be delayed by 300 milliseconds for every additional request made in the same hour.


POST https://app.busterai.com/api

Submits text for prediction.


  "api_key": "string (required)",
  "sequence": "string (required)"